Assess changes needed to the Family Law Act to support survivors
Luke’s Place offers family law support and information for women and children after leaving an abusive relationship: Visit Luke’s Place website here to learn more about this organization.
Provide services to intervene with individuals who engage in IPV perpetration
Engaging Men to Reduce and Prevent Gender-Based Violence There are many Canadian projects and programs that work to engage men and boys to help reduce and prevent gender-based violence and address masculinity. This Webinar presented two existing programs within Ontario around involved fatherhood and men who have used violence: the Caring Dads program and programs and supports offered by the Punjabi Community Health Services.
Recommendations to Address Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Femicide
In honour of Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk, and Nathalie Warmerdam we share the 86 recommendations that emerged from the Renfrew County coroner’s inquest into their experiences of IPV and their death by femicide. Access the Recommendations We join advocates in their calls to implement the recommendations. Learn more about ways we could do so in the resources shared below. Recognize and respond to the unique context of survivors in rural, remote, and northern (RRN) communities Issue-35
Website Renovations
Just letting you all know this (Survivor Guide) website is currently under renovations. We are working on getting a full online training portion done as well as a network community with full features such as: Your own profile Community groups Discussion forums Private messaging Member chatroom Ability to share photos & files Progressive web application (install on your device for instant access) and much more. Things are coming along nicely and soon this will be a full featured modern community for training plus support for survivors of abuse. Thank you for checking in. Will post when its officially ready. Survivor Guide Admin.