Your Stories

My story was about love and pain. As of today, I have started a business and hope to reach out to other victims of domestic violence and give my support to as many women who have been in abusive relationships. No one needs to feel unworthy in life. We all have the right to live in peace and happiness, no matter what our financial, cultural or social status. Maybe if we know the signs of an abuser then we can get out before it’s too late. Or if you are in an abusive relationship and trying to get out, realize that there are support agencies out there that can help you and your children. You are not alone. I am on a journey with a road ahead of me that only gets better than the one that I left behind. It’s a new day, a new life and a new beginning for me and my boys. Having gone to hell and back, I prefer to see myself more like a survivor than an abused woman. I prefer to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. Life alone with my two beautiful boys is my new happy chapter and my life has a new sense of hope and purpose. I can now conquer anything and you know what? I will.

I have a hard time telling my story but I know it needs to be shared. Not only for my healing but to help others and I believe that's why we're put on this Earth; to be good people, kind to each other helpful and most importantly treat the life on our planet with love and respect. I realize that sounds like a fairy tale but we all know it's who we try to be. I can only give you a taste of my story as the website is limited to a number of words, but I look forward to sharing more soon.

I have a hard time telling my story but I know it needs to be shared. Not only for my healing but to help others and I believe that's why we're put on this Earth; to be good people, kind to each other helpful and most importantly treat the life on our planet with love and respect. I realize that sounds like a fairy tale but we all know it's who we try to be. I can only give you a taste of my story as the website is limited to a number of words, but I look forward to sharing more soon.

I have a hard time telling my story but I know it needs to be shared. Not only for my healing but to help others and I believe that's why we're put on this Earth; to be good people, kind to each other helpful and most importantly treat the life on our planet with love and respect. I realize that sounds like a fairy tale but we all know it's who we try to be. I can only give you a taste of my story as the website is limited to a number of words, but I look forward to sharing more soon.
We'd love to hear your story...
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